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Qualifications and Rules

Qualifications - Print Qualifications

TNT Teen Tournaments Trails Qualifications 2025

Participants and Eligibility:

 Students from 5th – 12th grade are eligible to compete.

A volunteer boater may be deemed ineligible to participate in the TNT if they have finished in the top 10 in the points race in a Pro-Am event (as a Pro) or a Team event, during that anglers calendar year. Money won from the back seat of a Pro/Am event and or any TOC may also deem you ineligible. All teen participants must be current members of the TNT to be eligible to participate. The Final decision of all contestants being allowed to participate will be at the tournament director’s discretion, and or TNT Advisory Board. TNT has the right to refuse a team or individual for ineligibility and or  unsportsmanship ( Rule 5 ). 

TNT Advisory Board:
Advisory board will be comprised of but not limited to; People in and out of our industry, Anglers, and Directors of the TNT. Board will meet every September to discuss procedures, Rule changes and Angler Eligibility for the up and coming year. Full discloser of all Decisions and Topics will be made Public i.e.; TNT website.

Rules - Print Rules

TNT Teen Tournaments Trail Rules 2025

To fish in a TNT Region event you must become a member. A membership per individual is $50. A Family Membership, defined as living under the same roof, is $90 and an add on, if more than two people living under the same roof, is an additional $20 per person. A Membership is good for one year of your first purchase date (anniversary date) and is good for all BBT Events requiring membership. This date will never change unless you skip a year. If you started with the TNT in March 1st, your due date will always be the following year on that date, even if you fish 1 or 20 events.

Advisory Board

1) All Anglers must Acknowledge and understand rules for the TNT Tournaments.

2) RULES: These rules shall remain unchanged throughout the season. Interpretation and enforcement of TNT rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament director’s discretion at each event. Federal, state, local, lake laws and rules must be obeyed at all times and shall supersede TNT rules when in conflict.

3) SAFETY: Video Link - Boating safety must be observed at all times during practice and competition. A U.S. Coast Guard approved chest type life preserver (PFD) Type III or higher, must be worn and properly fastened while on the boat or on the dock and the kill switch must be attached to the driver with a lanyard no longer than forty-eight (48) inches. No student will be in the boat by themselves unless over the age of 16. The captain makes all decisions on the boat, front of the boat usage decision is made by the captain. The captain is there to mentor and help. All boats must be equipped with the minimum recommended USCG safety devices. These requirements can be viewed online at

4) INSURANCE AND LIABIILTY: It is the sole responsibility of all VOLUNTEER boat owners to carry and maintain the mandated, state required minimum liability coverage for themselves and their passengers. Contestants also need to be aware that not all insurance policies cover tournament participation, therefore all parties involved with the TNT must consult with their insurance company prior to competing in any TNT event.  

4a) WAIVER & RELEASE AGREEMENT:  The undersigned understands and agrees that as consideration for being allowed to participate in any TNT event, whether prior to commencement, during the actual event and/or during any post-event festivities, he or she is doing so at his or her own risk. TNT and its owners, managers, employees, agents and sponsors (collectively “TNT”), shall not be liable for any damages, claims or causes of action arising from personal injuries or property damage sustained in, on or about the premises or waterways used for any TNT event, specifically including, but not limited to, all boat launches, bodies of water, parking lots or other public or private areas used for any TNT event.  The undersigned assumes full responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur during any TNT event, however caused, regardless of whether such injuries or damages are caused by the negligence of TNT or any of its employees or agents.

4b) On the Entry Form:
The participant also expressly acknowledges that by signing below he or she is relinquishing all rights he or she may have to file a lawsuit against BBT & TNT for injuries arising out of his or her participation in any TNT events or activities.  This release is intended to be interpreted as broadly as allowed under California law.

5) SPORTSMANSHIP: All anglers are expected to act and conduct themselves in a professional manner. Displaying of poor sportsmanship, willful violation of rules and/ or Local, State or Federal laws, and bringing unfavorable publicity to the sport of bass fishing shall be grounds for disqualification. If one team member is disqualified, the team shall be disqualified. TNT reserves the right to revoke membership at any time without remuneration. TNT also reserves the right to refuse service to any angler seeking to participate in sanctioned events. TNT participants are required to cooperate with tournament official’s boat for the purposes of boat inspection, photography, sponsor and media requests.

5a) Volunteer boaters:  Video  ) Volunteer boaters: ARE NOT allowed to fish during the TNT Events.  Boaters should limit their participation to coaching the anglers, they may assist the anglers with equipment set up and maintenance, and they may net the fish.   Boaters ARE NOT under any circumstances permitted to cast for an angler and “hand off” the rod. Any Boater or Angler that is found to be in violation of this rule will be disqualified from the event and banned from all future TNT and BBT sponsored events.  

6) ALCOHOL & DRUGS:  Alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, illegal drugs or any other substances that may put yourself or other anglers safety at risk will NOT be consumed or allowed in the boat before and during the tournament and until the conclusion of the awards ceremony. Operator must be coherent at all times.

7) REGISTRATION: All tournaments will require a payment of entry fees in advance of the tournament blast off. Deadline for electronic registration through the TNT website prior to 12 pm on the Thursday preceding the event will receive the discount. Checks need to be received by the TNT Director no later then Wednesday the week of the event. This applies to all TNT team tournaments. Entry forms must be filled out completely and mailed to your appropriate tournament director with checks made payable in your tournament director’s name – NOT to “Tournament Director”. Please see the TNT website for mailing addresses and director’s name. Late sign-ups will be accepted the night before the event from 4 PM to 6 PM when available, or the morning of the event at the designated location.

8) START OF TOURNAMENT: A random draw will be done to determine the starting boat position, the day of each event.

9) TACKLE & EQUIPMENT: Intentional snagging of fish will not be allowed. Trolling with the aid of combustion or electric motors is not permitted. Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait or prepared bait permitted with the exception of pork rinds. Liquid fish attractants are allowed. Only one (1) rod may be used at any one time by each angler. Other rods may be in the boat and ready for use, however, every cast and retrieve must be completed before another cast is made. Rods may not exceed eight feet in length. The use of underwater cameras is not allowed during competition. Nets may not have a handle in excess of eight (8) feet in length.

10) BOAT AND MOTORS: All boats in TNT events must be a minimum of 12 feet long and Coast Guard approved. All boats will be equipped with navigation lights, killswitch and an aerated live well. 

11) BOAT & LIVEWELLS CHECK: It is the responsibility of the anglers to have their boat and live wells checked by a TNT official or staff member immediately prior to competition. A RIBBON will be placed on your trolling motor once your boat has been checked. You will NOT be able to weigh in your fish without the ribbon on the trolling motor or you will be disqualified.

12) LICENSES: Each contestant must have in possession a valid and current fishing license when required with appropriate stamps governing the fishable waters of the event. Permits and local quagga mussel stickers. Penalty for such an offense is disqualification of the day's catch.

13) GUIDES: Guides may not be used on official practice days, such as the Tournament of Champions pre fish days. Guides who guide for the same species that TNT tournament weigh in, will not be allowed to fish in the TNT Events.

14) SPEED-RESTRICTED AREAS: No boat may pass another contestant's boat in a restricted speed zone, in an effort to gain an advantage. No participant will swap, speed up to or run by the check in boat. Speeding in a 5 MPH zone is grounds for disqualification if you are protested.

15) PERMITTED FISHING WATERS: No fishing is allowed inside the host marina unless lake specific rules allow for such. If fishing is allowed within the marina, no boats may fish within 100 feet of the launch ramp. No fishing is allowed within 25 yards of another anchored or tied tournament boat with trolling motor out of the water, without the anchored boat's permission. Both team partners must fish from the same boat. Unless otherwise directed by the tournament authority, only contestants may be in the boat during the tournament hours. Having anyone hole-sit for anyone shall be grounds for disqualification. Contestants cannot leave the boat to land a fish or gain access to a fishing area. Restricting natural movement of fish by any means is automatic disqualification. Navigable waters are the only waters to be fished during a tournament and restricting boating access to an area by any means shall be grounds for disqualification.

16) LAKE OFF- LIMITS: There is No off limits period for any TNT regular events with the exception to the off limits for the championship/TOC event or Open. You may not receive or solicit fishing related information from anyone who has fished the Championship waters during the off limits period. In a 2 day event you may not fish or scout while returning to where you are staying.

17) RESERVED AREAS: No person may "hold" or "reserve" a fishing area for a contestant at any time. Infraction of this rule will result in disqualification of all parties involved.

18) INFORMATION SHARING: Once an event has started it is against the rules for any contestant to receive help or information about how/where to catch fish from someone else outside of their own boat. This includes help from another contestant.

19) RADIO OR PHONE TRANSMITTING: Transmittal of information via phone, radio, and text messaging or other means concerning any aspect of fishing during a tournament is prohibited. Communication between contestants and/or land lines may be used for breakdowns, emergencies, business, or personal reasons.

20) OFFICIAL BOATS: Officials may be on the water during contest hours and can approach or observe any contestant’s boat while taking photo or videos. Each contestant is required to cooperate with all reasonable requests from media representatives or officials. Official boats may not be used as contestant replacement boats.

21) FISH TRANSPORT: Restricting natural movement of fish by any means such as but not limited to: use of nets, tanks or dams will result in immediate disqualification. Restricting access to waters normally accessible to anglers by any means such as but not limited to: felling of trees or placement of obstructions will result in disqualification. Transporting live gamefish taken in one area and releasing them in another area for the purpose of establishing a population in the new area during the practice period, during the tournament, or 30 days prior to the tournament is strictly prohibited and grounds for disqualification.

22) SIGHTFISHING: This rule concerns "sight or bedding" bass and is in effect at any time either of these conditions exist and is designed to eliminate illegal snagging of bass. Intentional snagging of fish will not be allowed. A sight or bedding fish is defined as one that can be seen and watched as it approaches the lure. Fish caught under these conditions must be caught by hook and line and by the fish ingesting the lure. Any bass caught that is either a "sight" or "bed" fish must be caught "hook in mouth with the hook point entering from the inside of the mouth" - and must be verified as a legal catch by the angler's in-boat partner. Any "sight" or "bed" fish caught by snagging or with hook starting from outside the mouth shall be deemed an illegally caught fish and must be released. This same fish may be caught again by the legal method - with the hook starting from inside the mouth. Any angler catching a fish under these conditions and not verifying the hook location with the other person in the boat may be disqualified from the tournament. Standing on seats, or motor or the use of ladder or raised platform for the purpose locating or fishing for bedding fish in not permitted.

23) LIMIT and WEIGH-IN: During all TNT events, teams will only weigh in five (5) fish for the days catch measuring Thirteen inches (13”) laying flat on a flat board. No other game fish may be on board during all TNT event unless permitted by the state and TNT. TNT may allow for a larger or smaller tournament limit on waters where state or lake limits are greater. Any team weighing in a fish shorter than the legal tournament length will be assessed a one (1) pound penalty plus the loss of the short fish. Any team bringing more than five (5) fish to the scales will be disqualified. A penalty of .20 lbs per dead fish will be deducted from the total weight. Once you leave your boat and come to the scales you may not return to the boat to retrieve a missing fish. Any team asking for a re-weigh big fish or their limit will be given one; however no matter the outcome that team will take the re-weigh weight for their official weight.

24) CULLING FISH: It is the responsibility of each team to not have more than the local laws allows of fish in a live well. If more than the local laws allow are present in the live well during the event you will be subject to disqualification. However, a team may not possess more than a five (5) fish limit once inside the host marina. No culling is allowed in the host marina/5 MPH area inside where you check in is being done.

25) BIG FISH: The big fish award is an option at all TNT events. You may not weight in a DEAD fish to claim the big fish award, however, a dead big fish will be counted toward your overall weigh with dead fish penalty applied.

26) BREAKDOWN-EMERGENCIES: Anglers are not permitted to leave their boats nor touch another boat, with the exception of an emergency or major equipment failure during the tournament. In this case, it is permitted to be towed either to safety or back to the weigh-in area by any safe means available. You may not transport fish by land if you choose to trailer back to the weigh-in area; however, you may have your fished transported to the weigh-in by another tournament boat participating in the same event. Transported fish must be held separate from another contestant’s fish or identification pins must be used. At least one person must stay with your fish at all times and neither angler is permitted to fish while under the assistance of another boat during the breakdown period.

27) CHECK IN FOR OFFICIAL WEIGH IN: It is the responsibility of each team to check in with the TNT staff or TNT staff boat, you CANNOT bypass staff check in and go straight to the weigh in sight. Late check in is grounds for disqualification.

28) SCORING: Video Is based on a 5 of the best fish over 13” on a flat board shared weight format and determined by the total weight of each “team’s” catch for the overall event, less any penalties or dead fish weighed in. There is no bonus for live fish. Points are awarded to each individual participant of the event on a declining scale starting at 100 points for first, 99 for second, 98 for third, etc… Five participation points will be awarded to all entrants of the event. Participation points are not revocable.

29) PRIZES: Awards during all TNT Events require the winners to be present at the awards. Winners who are not present at the awards ceremony will forfeit any and all prizes selected for them. Any prizes not awarded during a specific event will be carried over and awarded at the TNT Championship.

30) ANGLER OF THE YEAR: Video Will be determined by the individual that accumulated the most points at the end of the year, based on ALL 6 events in one region. In case of a tie for AOY, TNT will take the anglers that are tied, they will be split up and will have a fish off at the TOC to determine the AOY for that year.  (T.O.C. Qualifications are different then A.O.Y. see rule 31, 31A, 31B)

31) TOC: The TOC will be a separate event, to be held at the end of the season. TNT anglers are eligible to win a grand prize given away to the overall winner of the event.

31A) T.O.C.: Qualification - Video Link – TNT will take the top 40% of the following teams who have fished a minimum of (4) four event and no more the (5) five will be counted in one REGIONIf you fished the (6) Six events in that same region, a bonus of 5 points will be added to your score. 

31.B) TNT Teen Tournaments 2023 TOC RULES and All TNT Rules Apply - Additional T.O.C. Rules.  1) This event starts on Monday, October 9th, at 12:01am, this means you are not to talk to anyone that is NOT in this TOC event throughout this week. 2) Off Limits are Monday, October 9th and Tuesday 10th. You are NOT allowed to be on this body of water.  3) Official practice days start at safe light on Wednesday, October 11th, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th, until Check in time, 2 PM to 4 PM. If you show up after 4 PM we will not check you in. You will have to do this on Saturday morning at 5 AM.  4) Guides, family member(s) and/ or friends, cannot be in your boat or you in their boat during this week.  5)  All safety Rules apply on Tournament days AND during practice days.  

32) PROTEST: All protests must be submitted in writing within 15 minutes after the official closing of the scales.

33) POLYGRAPH: All contestants are subject to a polygraph test. Failure to submit is grounds for automatic disqualification. Any contestant who has failed a polygraph test in any bass tournament or contest or whose results are found to be inconclusive shall not be eligible to compete in the TNT. Polygraph and voice stress testing are performed at the discretion of the tournament director.

34) Photograph and Video: All photos and or video taken at a TNT event are the property of the BBT and may be used for promotional purpose.